the design process
The first step in the design process is a site evaluation. We’ll come out to test your soil conditions for permeability and assess the location of seasonal high water. This may involve digging test pits by hand or machine and recording the findings. We’ll also assess surface water flows and locate wells, streams and other environmental influences. Making these assessments will guide us in designing a system that is appropriate for your site.
During our visit, we’ll ask questions about the present or proposed buildings and inquire about the square footage, number of bedrooms, and the purpose of the building (single family dwelling, restaurant, office etc.). These factors will determine the DDF (daily design flow) of your new septic system.
Step 1: site evaluation
Using the information acquired during our site visit, we’ll create a preliminary design for the septic system and provide you with a quote.
step 2: preliminary design + quote
Upon acceptance of the quote, we’ll submit the completed system design with an RSS (Record of Sewerage System) to your local Health Authority. This documentation is also required to apply for a building permit. As soon as the submission is approved, we can begin the installation of your system.
step 3: submission
For sites with existing buildings: The best time to install a septic system is during dry weather conditions. This keeps the soil structure intact and prevents smearing (smeared soil obstructs drainage).
For new construction: The installation of the septic system can be scheduled anytime after the foundation has been back filled, and prior to completion of the structure. Prior to installation, the finished grade should be established. We can provide site grading if needed.
Installation of a full septic system can range from one to five days. We’ll bring all the tools, equipment and materials required to complete your septic system.
step 4: Installation
After the installation is complete, we’ll proved an “as constructed” drawing detailing the exact locations of key system components. We’ll compile an informative package including all of your documents, and an operation and maintenance manual to be submitted to your local Health Authority accompanied by an LOC (letter of certification). The LOC is required to pass final inspection for new construction.